
I’ve got a head full of junk. Some obscure, mostly technical, rarely useful, but always there. Quite often I’ll be mid-way through an idea or a build or project and realise that I’ve either used knowledge I have that’s decades old and I simply cannot find on the Internet, or I’ve had to spend hours or days pulling together details from many disparate sources to make something work.

And that is the point in this site.

If I can get down on screen what I’ve had to do, step by step, for some of my more interesting projects, maybe it will avoid others having to go through the same level of research. Sometimes people just need the simple questions answered, like how do I install Workbench, but there’s few clear and concise guides and you end up trawling out of date pages and multiple YouTube videos full of unnecessary commentary. Sometimes the questions are more in-depth like configuring VPN on pfsense, for which there are a few guides around, but not all of them simple. That is what I hope to do here, step-wise guides on what I’ve done with how’s and why’s included. Plus maybe the odd review if I like or dislike something enough.